Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011: The year that will be.


With this new year Im feeling a breath of fresh enthusiasm for all the things I have been putting off lately. The last few weeks I have been knuckling down and getting through my third session of my B.Arts for 2010. I think it is about time I start enjoying myself so without no further ado, here are a few things I would love to achieve in the next year :)

1. Read a novel in French: I have always wanted to be fluent in French. I am hoping by the end of this year I finally will be! 'Bonjour, je m'appelle Melissa. Et tu?'

2. Go to a festival: In all my 21 years I have never been to a festival! I saw Birds of Tokyo in my hometown of Ballina last year, which I must saw was mindblowing, but other than that I am a concert virgin.

3. Get published in Frankie magazine: From the word 'go' I have been deeply in lust with this magazine. It is so beautifuuly illustrated and always leaves me feeling nostalgic and filled with inspiration

4. Graduate from university!: Phew! This will be a massive load of my shoulders as any uni student will tell you! Then off into the land of journalism I go.

5. Get an internship: This is a biggie. On my vast websurfing travels I have come to the conclusion that no writer/journo gets any breaks without having work experience or an internship under their belt so I will hopefully be undertaking this rite of passage too :)

6. Visit Melbourne: I am a winter child. Despite being a summer baby (literally; my birthday is the 1st December) I have always had winter chills, autumn leaves and rain deep within my bones. From what I hear, Victoria is COOOLD. I swear my pending trip has nothing to do with the insane amount of shopping to be had... :D

7. Smile: Because what the world needs more of is happiness!

And so there is my list; its not too simple but still achievable I believe :) Lets see how far I get!